May was a busy month in Artlandia. To start with the finish - new collages from May:
Scherzo in Gray – Chimera, linocut,
woodcut and polyester lithography prints with added ink, acrylic, colored
pencil, pastel on marbled gray paper, 24 x 18,” |
Scherzo in Gray – Crow, linocut, woodcut and polyester lithography
prints with ink, acrylic, colored pencil on marbled gray paper, 24 x 18” |
Etude in Gray - Frog and Dirigible, linocut,
woodcut and polyester lithography prints with ink, acrylic, colored pencil,
pastel on marbled gray paper, 14 x 11” |
Etude in Gray - Song Bird and Excavator, linocut,
woodcut and polyester lithography prints with added ink, acrylic, colored
pencil, pastel on marbled gray paper, 14 x 11” |
Etude in Gray – Two Swallows, linocut,
woodcut and polyester lithography prints with ink, acrylic, colored pencil,
pastel on marbled gray paper, 14 x 11” |
I had some exciting news at the end of April - I was accepted as a member of the
Society of American Graphic Artists! In May, I attended my first meeting, which included a portfolio share. I made the 3
Etude pieces specifically to bring to the show and tell. I really enjoyed meeting some of the other member and seeing their work and look forward to being part of SAGA.

The other thing I did in May in preparation for my next visit to use the big press at Zea Mays was carve some new plants. I have many plant blocks that I love and use frequently, but I was wanting some new ones to add to the mix, so I carved these two.

I also did a ton of marbling of large sheets, 30 x 40" and 24 x 36" to print on at Zea Mays.
My favorite human valiantly drove us to NYC, and I am especially happy with the way these well-timed shots turned out.
I also got some wonderful landscape shots during May. Not one, but two different rainbows.
A very pretty tree |
This is one I particularly like - Favorite Human and I were just heading home after walking Honey ,and I saw this and just had to photograph it (more than once, and from more than one angle), nearly making us late, but it was worth it, right? |
More from walks with Honey and Human. |
This is another favorite - the color and light aren't manipulated , it actually looked like this?! |

Another big thing I did in May was planting. I made my annual visit to the nice nursery.
In creature news I got some nice photos of Mo to compare with photos from exactly a year ago - he's grown so much, but still the same sweet and charming kitty.
(*Max does not appear in these photos because one year ago, Max had not yet joined the creature family - but not to worry, he's happy and healthy, too.)
Before |
After |
Before |
After |

Honey, enjoys the spring while her human works in the garden. |

Flowers from my favorite human! |