Monday, September 16, 2013

phase 1 redux - appreciate and develop expertise

looking closer
and closer

I made the owl a home in "The Forest of And, And, And" (where I have set up camp indefinitely.) There's lots going on, and I've spent so much energy on pictures (patterns, within patterns, within patterns) that I'm not sure I can make more words right now (at least not good ones ;p. I'll come back and try again before Wednesday though). 

Luckily, this picture has words built in to it (lovely ones). I made the bark of the tree out of poems (some of my favorites, if you want to check them out  (two thumbs up), I've provided some links to English versions for the non-Classics nerds out there ;)): 

Elizabeth Bishop, One Art;  Tennessee Williams, Covenant; Marina Tsvetaeva, excerpt from An Attempt at Jealousy ;  Catullus #5  and Catullus #85, and last, but never least, an excerpt from the Odyssey (the opening passage).
Who who, whooo's a big nerd? Hahaha