Monday, September 25, 2017

panorama 2

 A busy week in Artlandia!

Work continues making new collages for En Masse at Thompson Giroux. This week I used the second piece of the paper I marbled a few weeks ago and made a second panoramic piece to be cut into sections.


I tried some new things with this one, adding a mist of gold to unify the whole thing and spraying a fine mist of white before adding the relief prints in the foreground (for a sfumato-like effect to create atmospheric perspective.) I also added a wash of green like a gradient so that its slightly greener in the foreground and gradually shifts to gray.  Overall- thumbs up! I might be almost ready to try this on a slightly larger scale.

The swallows project also continues with a second life-scale swallow on the same block

Fall figure drawing has also started up.

In creature news - a funny kitty story. So this week, I had a studio visit and consequently spent 2 days cleaning all the studios. My feline assistants were excellent helpers - jumping up on recently cleared spaces and pouncing on any stray papers.  In consolidating some of the storage containers, I had an newly-empty supply box, which I set in the hallway to be put in the attic...

Jr. in the box

If Jr. gets to sit in the box, then, obviously, the Princess needs to sit in it too.

But Jr. is quite capable of waiting until the Princess is distracted to re-claim the box.

...and the drama continues...
 Haha - I wish the photos were time stamped to show how every time I would walk by, a different kitty would be in the box.  It was like they were lining up to ride the worlds most stationary roller coaster, hahaha. (Who knew - all I needed to do to be "Human of the Year" was put a roughly kitty-sized box out in the hall :P ). 

While the kitties were occupied inside, Honey and I went on outdoor adventures.  It still feels like summer, but the leaves have started to fall and the light is changing.