Monday, October 14, 2013

phase 1 redux - appreciate and develop expertise

I think this one is my favorite
(black and white stripes -love, love)

the blue paper is cut to fit around the leaves (oy!)

We have flowers! The plan is to use them in a wall mounted collage, inspired by mille-fleur tapestry design (like in the Unicorn Tapestries). (Of course, this means I need more...a lot more - it's a work in progress ;)).
charcoal and watercolor pencil, app. 36 x 48"

One of my assistants,
 hard at work
I started working on this Saturday afternoon and Sunday (around regularly-scheduled-life-duties)). It's going to be a deer with a human head and golden antlers (to frolick among the flowers, naturally :)). I've been observing and photographing deer on my walks, and felt ready to tackle it (and don't want to jinx it by saying anything more).

I also did some baking! It's been over two week since I made anything - a sure sign that I haven't been feeling well, since baked goods (along with pictures) are my choice means of communication. It was lots of fun coming up with this Mondrian-inspired birthday cake for one of the artist's biggest fans, the lovely Melissa. (The black is licorice, and the white is icing with coconut. Dark chocolate M & M's make up the primary colors). Mmmmmmm.

 Mini continues to grow.