This week, I made another bunny :)
New bunny block - 9 x 12" printed above with charbonnel aqua wash ink on gray stonehenge paper.
Especially proud of this one :) I also started testing out some refinements and backgrounds:
I like these, but I feel like it needs a little something more...I carved some horns to see what they would look like as jackalopes.
I like the horns...but I really miss the wings, so I marbled some paper and...
I could make the other wing right away by using polyester lithography plates exclusively, but since this wing is a hybrid of relief plates and polyester lithography plates, I think that the other wing should also be a hybrid of the same types of plates. Which means more carving...but, I got to thinking that I should carve blocks that are plates in this one - that way there is always a block thats an exact match and I'm only flipping it for the plate (it minimizes distortion because I'm not changing the scale or resolution, just the orientation.) But I think I might also need to recarve the top (blue) section, or at least part of it because its so critical (hmmmmmmm).
The other thing I got started on - I printed all my plant blocks and scanned them
I haven't printed them yet though and I'm curious to see how it will turn out (stay tuned!)
Trying to give those bunnies an art-home.