Monday, October 17, 2016

wing block 3 of 4 and NYC fieldtrip

A busy week in Artlandia!  - Blocks, digital collage, framing, adventures to the Met and an excellent performance.

First - life-scale wing block 3 of 4 - done [check!]

block with powder
Then, the final digital print for the En Masse III exhibition arrived.  I framed it and delivered them all [check, check!] 

blue bird 1, from May
If this looks familiar, it's because I wanted to see what it would be like to modify an existing group of files to create a new print; so, I went back to blue bird 1, my very first digital collage, and changed things that I would prefer to be different, now that I have a little more experience making them: ( I apologize in advance for any jargon) -brought color into the background pattern and plant, changed the color of the flowers, added a background color into the bird with variation in select cells, darkened the bird, modified the distortion of the bird, changed the position of the bird, darkened the ants, added a gradient fill to the ground, got rid of the internal border and arched clipping mask, added a slight shadow under the bird...)  Haha, you know, just a few things I wanted to change O:).

I also framed an artist proof of the parrot with this gorgeous Walnut Hill frame - that's a satin finished, splined, walnut frame with museum glass - Mmmmmmm.
I love how the warm wood brings out the parrot's eye.  

Besides art making, framing, and delivery, I also had a studio mission that I've been plotting for a while, but have been waiting to be recovered enough to implement. This week, I finally (finally!) think I made the first step toward solving the challenge I've had of getting works in process up on the wall easily. I used foamcore corkboards and stickied them to the wall. I was all proud of myself...for about the 5 minute it took to fill it. [doh.] I still want to see the figure with the fox and bunnies and maybe the unicorn, and they don't fit (yet), but it's still a step in the right direction - so much better than the way I had this before, hanging from a clothesline in pieces [shame-face]. Even though I don't have any long, unbroken up walls, a friend pointed out that I could wrap the composition around the corner, photograph it, and see what it would look like flattened out on the computer (Thanks Tom McGill!)  I do, however, need more corkboards.
with the stool for scale 

I also made a special art trip to the city.  

I went to the Met to do some research.  A few scavenger hunt missions:

Mission 1 - looking at Gothic architectural ornament and trying to understand the parts and how it fits together ( - if I wanted to make a modular, architectural framework...)

Mission 2 - I looked at Gothic foliate ornament, because I love it so, so much (especially when it has bunnies, or things with wings, or beasties).  With the exception of the stained glass, these are from the horse armor.

Mission 3 - drapery (particularly with leg(s) bent), can never too much source material for drapery.

As much as I always enjoy a fieldtrip to the Met, the main event was going to see a performance of Circling the Center by Nene Humphrey(!!) This is a terrific, multi-media piece that integrates sculpture, video, music, poetry, and movement to convey a complex narrative about loss, mourning, and regeneration (love!)

                             Before the performance of Circling the Center  by Nene Humphrey 
                                - my stills don't do it justice, but follow the link for more/better.

Also, outdoor adventures with my trusty side-kick Honey (- who graciously got out of the stream so I could take these peaceful-seeming nature shots - she's a very good pup.) She loves to swim now after slowly warming up to the idea in her puppy pool this summer.) 

And finally - last roses of the season?
Do they smell extra-sweet?