Monday, July 13, 2015

Printmaking Adventure!

A printmaking adventure! I'm learning green intaglio printmaking at Zea Mays Printmaking!

I started the week with something non-intaglio:
ballpoint pen on polyester lithography plate, 6 x 4.5"

detail, appr. 1.5 x 1" - drawing  this was anxiety-relieving

printed onto a Baldwin Intaglio Ground  plate as a guide drawing
(now, I "just" need to draw it ;) )

Here's one I drew on the plate:
drawing on prepared copper plate

copper plate

proof! 6 x 4.5"

Other art adventures this week:

the truck came to pick up a self-portrait as Queen
of Blue Birds (more on this to come)
As it left a butterfly landed on the railing - a good omen?
I also visited the Smith College Museum of Art

wnere I saw this lovely altarpiece (late, sweet-style, I think?) By Bartholomäus Bruyn, the ElderGerman, 1493-1555The Coronation of the Virgin, c. 1515
I was most impressed - Mary wears boots!

and orange, industrial stuff :)
And there's an owl sculpture outside:
Leonard Baskin.,The Owl, 1962

and bunnies (very, not-scared bunnies)

And nature

with cows